Betekenis van:
external storage

external storage
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a data storage device that is not the main memory of a computer




    1. N.B.: The internal storage may be augmented by an external storage.
    2. N.B.:The internal storage may be augmented by an external storage.
    3. N.B.:the internal storage may be augmented by an external storage.
    4. Solid-state, non-volatile data storage devices for recording data from an external source (flash memory cards or flash electronic storage cards), unrecorded
    5. N.B.: Equipment may be "stored programme controlled" whether the electronic storage is internal or external to the equipment.
    6. N.B.:The internal storage may be augmented by an external storage. "Microprocessor microcircuit" (3) means a "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integrated circuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of executing a series of general purpose instructions from an external storage.
    7. N.B.: The internal storage may be augmented by an external storage. "Microprocessor microcircuit" (3) means a "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integrated circuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of executing a series of general purpose instructions from an external storage.
    8. Samples shall be kept at constant temperature between + 2 °C and 25 °C (room temperature) and free of external contamination during storage and transportation.
    9. "Microcomputer microcircuit" (3) means a "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integrated circuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of executing general purpose instructions from an internal storage, on data contained in the internal storage. N.B.: The internal storage may be augmented by an external storage.
    10. N.B.:'Solidify rapidly': solidification of molten material at cooling rates exceeding 1000 K/s. "Microcomputer microcircuit" (3) means a "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integrated circuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of executing general purpose instructions from an internal storage, on data contained in the internal storage. N.B.: The internal storage may be augmented by an external storage.
    11. N.B.:"solidify rapidly": solidification of molten material at cooling rates exceeding 1000 K/s. "Microcomputer microcircuit" (3) means a "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integrated circuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of executing general purpose instructions from an internal storage, on data contained in the internal storage. N.B.:the internal storage may be augmented by an external storage.
    12. "Microcomputer microcircuit" (3) means a "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integrated circuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of executing general purpose instructions from an internal storage, on data contained in the internal storage. N.B.:The internal storage may be augmented by an external storage.
    13. frequency of making safety copies or back-up files (private documents, pictures, etc.) from the computer on any external storage device, for example, a CD, DVD, external hard disk, USB storage device, or disk space on Internet servers (always or almost always; sometimes; never or hardly ever; not applicable because the individual does not keep files on a computer).
    14. "Microprocessor microcircuit" (3) means a "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integrated circuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of executing a series of general purpose instructions from an external storage. N.B. 1:the "microprocessor microcircuit" normally does not contain integral user-accessible storage, although storage present on-the-chip may be used in performing its logic function.
    15. "Microprocessor microcircuit" (3) means a "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integrated circuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) capable of executing a series of general purpose instructions from an external storage. N.B. 1: The "microprocessor microcircuit" normally does not contain integral user-accessible storage, although storage present on-the-chip may be used in performing its logic function.